How is CBD oil made?
How is CBD Oil Made?
In recent years, CBD has continued to grow in popularity because of its immense health benefits. Despite the numerous health benefits associated with cannabidiol, there’s a cloud of mystery and misconception that surrounds the compound.
Most articles talk about the different CBD products, benefits and uses. However, most people don’t know how CBD oil is made.
Hemp cultivation and harvest
The process of making CBD oil starts with the cultivation of hemp. Hemp strains chosen for the extraction of CBD oil are carefully chosen for their abundance of CBD and low levels of THC.
The selected seeds are sown and the hemp plant is mature in 120 days. Towards the end of the flowering period, the plants are harvested. The leaves are removed and the stalk is left to dry. The dry stems are then soaked to soften the fibre. This process is known as retting.
After the retting process is complete, the fibre is separated from the stem in a process called ‘decortication’ for further processing.
Extraction of CBD
After the process of decortication, the hemp fibre is ready for CBD extraction. There are several methods of extracting CBD oil. The preferred method depends on the reasons, precision and quality of the final products.
- Oil extraction – It is the easier methods and common among home producers. The oil extraction method is inexpensive and relative safe with no special equipment required. However, this method yields very little CBD and the CBD oil extracted is highly perishable.
- Liquid solvent extraction – Propane, Ethanol or Butane are the commonly used solvents in this method. The plant matter is boiled with one of the solvents to extract CBD. The solution is strained and purged to leave behind a CBD-rich concentrate.
The process is relatively simple and yields plenty of concentrated oil. However, it requires more oxygen than oil extraction or CO2. It is also not as precise.
- Supercritical CO2 Extraction – CO2 extraction is the most efficient CBD oil extraction method and is often preferred within and outside the CBD industry. It yields high-quality oil and the method is safe for both humans and the environment. The only downside to using CO2 extraction is the cost of the equipment required as well as the specialised knowledge.
CBD Decarboxylation
For some companies in the CBD industry, the process of CBD oil production ends with extraction. However, those dedicated to producing the best quality CBD oil pursue other steps.
Decarboxylation is the process of converting cannabinoid acids into active cannabinoids by heating them. This process is completed by experts in a lab using specialised equipment. The aim of the process is to maximise the potency of CBD.
Purification removes unwanted fats, chemicals and chlorophyll from the CBD Oil. Purified CBD oil has a light colour, doesn’t have an odour and has consistent potency compared to the darker, inconsistent and strong scented unpurified version.
Depending on the product being prepared, some companies have one last step known as terpene enriching. This process adds unique terpenes into the CBD to give the CBD oil an earthy aroma and enhance its benefits.
However, for users that prefer CBD oil without the terpenes, most processes of CBD oil production will end at the purification stage.